Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Paperless Society Isn't Here Yet!

!±8± A Paperless Society Isn't Here Yet!

We've all read about the coming paperless society, but from where I stand I can truly say it not only isn't here yet, but it isn't coming in its full predicted splendor any time soon. 

Every place I go there is more paperwork than there used to be. Some of it is done electronically, but then they print out a copy for their records and one for me to take home. While I am bombarded with electronic messages, I am still overwhelmed with forms and more paper mail than ever. With the increasingly litigious nature of our society, companies require more statements, more right-to-privacy paperwork, more disclaimers, more signatures recognizing that  the disclaimer was received, read, and agreed to, and so on. In many offices, support staff makes copies of blank forms which they are sending to clients, just to document what was sent. Not too paperless if you ask me.

So, other than the obvious inconvenience of the whole thing, what does this mean to the average person? It means both opportunity and need are created. The opportunities are those involved in the paper industry; from growing lumber for paper pulp, to investing in paper manufacturing and distribution, to the retail end of supplying and marketing paper, paper products, and printing products. While many newspaper and magazine companies are struggling, look at different areas of the industry:  Never before has there been such a need for copy centers and high-end printers for business and home use.

On a more personal level, some of the need that all of this creates is for storage, retention programs, and secure disposal of sensitive material. The home office product industry continues to grow. People are buying more attractive file cabinets and storage mechanisms to put in their homes because there is so much more paper to keep than ever. Recycling has become the watchword and people are eager to find appropriate systems to handle the recyclable materials that multiply faster than dust bunnies in their homes.

Almost everyone seems discouraged by the amount of paper that flows from the mailbox into their homes on a daily basis. As a result, time management experts continually address the subject by recommending that people arrange a suitable recycling system right where they come into their homes, so that mail need not be taken any farther into the house than is necessary. Some experts recommend that that system include not only a container dedicated to paper for ads and junk mail, but also a shredder...right there near the door...for sensitive material. Sort and dispose of all that you can immediately, rather creating piles of papers which you plan to attend to later.

Don't let the endless stream of paperwork that our paperless society keeps sending you get you down. Create a secure and environmentally friendly system for managing it that works for you. And remember some of the little things that can still make you eager to get your mail: a pretty mail box with flowers around it, the personal note on sweet-smelling stationery with photos of loved ones enclosed, checks, birthday cards, and even the occasional package. Suddenly it sort of makes me glad that we aren't paperless yet. I think I'll go write a note to my dear old Aunt Ruth!

A Paperless Society Isn't Here Yet!

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